

Some say Ayurveda has been around for 3000 years, others argue that it originated around 5000 years ago. Let's just agree that Ayurveda has been around for a long, long time. Most will agree that it originated in the Indian subcontinent. But what is it?

What Is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda roughly translates as "the knowledge of life". It is a collection of treatments and practices which could be compared to many modern day holistic therapies. 

The primary goal of Ayurveda is to promote and encourage good health and wellness.
"Ayurvedic Medicine" as it is known, is a combination of well-being treatments including diet & exercise. It combines the use of plants, minerals & metals.

It is simply impossible to sum up all of the practices and beliefs on one web page, so we won't attempt to. We will simply focus on the old tradition of copper water vessels. 

The Tradition Of Drinking Water From A Copper Vessel (or lota)

The Ayurvedic tradition suggests filling the bottle up with water for approximately 7 hours (a night's sleep) before consumption. This allows the water to become fully ionised to reap all of the benefits of drinking from a copper bottle.
The tradition suggests that drinking this way once or twice a day is enough to benefit from the mineral qualities from the natural metals.




Modern Day Use

The tradition of drinking from copper water bottles is still widely popular and practised today around many parts of South East Asia. 

We encourage you to discover more about the fascinating practices of Ayurveda. To get you started we have provided some interesting links below.

Our Goal

The primary goal of this brand (Coppercopa) is to encourage the use of copper water bottles as an absolute alternative to plastic.

Our core values: We are opposed to the use of disposable plastic water bottles. 

However, many reusable water bottles available on the market today are  made of... plastic. The alternative is here. As inspired by a tradition dating back thousands of years.

Ayurveda infoPicture: Indian LakePicture: Boat on beach in IndiaPicture: Boat on beach in India

Links To Learn About Avurveda

Video Content Reference

There are many resources online about the benefits of drinking from copper containers. We have selected videos from Dr Mini Nair & Lissa Coffey. Neither of whom are associated with Coppercoppa or this brand but both do a fantastic job at explaining some of the benefits.

Here is Dr Mini Nair speaking on "Doctors Circle - The World's Largest Health Platform", on some of the benefits of drinking from copper water bottles according to Ayurveda.

Lissa Coffey who runs the channel "Ancient Wisdom & Modern Life" does a great job at explaining the benefits of drinking from copper containers.

Further Reference Links

University research case studies & white papers published on the subject of storing water in copper vessels.

Article PMC3312355: Dated March 2012. Storing Drinking-water in Copper pots Kills Bacteria.

Article by Srikumar R. as referenced by World Health Organization (WHO) Water Sanitation and Health. Accepted February 2018. Article title: Drinking Water Stored in Copper Vessel - Reveals Antibacterial Activity.

Copper Water Bottles

All of our product range are available in 2 sizes - 750 ml & 1000 ml

Coppercopa - Copper Water Bottles UK